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What Different Types of Dental Implants Are Offered at Our Office?

older couple hugging after learning about dental implant options

If you’re interested in getting dental implants, you may be surprised to know that there is more than just one option for the procedure. The main factor in determining which type of dental implant you go with is how many teeth you’re missing. This is important because the number of teeth you’re replacing will affect what kind of restoration you’re getting. Here’s a little bit more about each of these different types of implants we offer at Dental Solutions of Columbus.

Single-Tooth Dental Implant

For patients who just need to replace one missing tooth, we can provide a single dental implant that has a dental crown on top. This dental crown is designed to look like a natural tooth. It’s as simple as that! One implant finished off with one dental crown to replace one tooth.

Multi-Tooth Dental Implants

For patients who are missing more than one tooth, they have the option of getting a bridge that’s fixed in place with dental implants. This bridge has a row of artificial teeth together in order to replace multiple teeth all at once.

Full-Arch Dental Implants

For patients who are missing all of their teeth in their top or bottom arch, we can fit them with implant-stabilized dentures. Compared to traditional dentures, these stay in place with dental implants rather than suction or denture adhesive. We also offer All-on-4 dentures, which only use four dental implants to support an entire denture. This option is a great alternative for patients who might not have enough healthy jaw bone to place more implants.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Still have some questions about your options? Come on by our practice for a dental implant consultation and we’d be happy to walk you through the different dental implant types. During that consultation, we can give you a recommendation for which one we think is the best option for your situation. Don’t hesitate fixing your smile, please contact our office to set up an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Dental Solutions of Columbus

Dental Solutions of Columbus