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How Does Your Jaw Affect Overall Oral Health?

Oral health isn’t just about your teeth and gums — it’s about the overall health of your mouth. One of the often overlooked components of a healthy smile is your jaw. At Dental Solutions of Columbus, our team offers comprehensive solutions for a variety of issues affecting your jaw, from TMJ pain to sleep apnea to myofunctional disorders. We’ve compiled some of the common jaw issues and treatments below.

older woman holding her jaw in pain

Can the Width of Your Jaw Impact Health?

Some people are born with a narrow upper jaw. While not uncommon, this can lead to issues with the fit between upper and lower teeth. Additionally, this discrepancy can lead to crowding and breathing issues. Our team uses palatal expanders to treat our patients with narrow upper jaws.

Can Alignment Issues Cause TMJ Pain?

TMJ disorder affects many of our patients. While stress and other lifestyle factors can be responsible for TMJ, a misaligned bite may also be the culprit. In order to treat TMJ pain, our team will work with you to pinpoint the cause of your pain. If your bite is to blame, we may custom-create an oral appliance to fix your bite issues and ease your pain.

How Does Your Jaw Affect Your Breathing While Asleep?

Many patients who snore or have sleep apnea may have an underdeveloped upper or lower jaw. This misalignment can restrict breathing while asleep and cause side effects like fatigue, brain fog, headaches, and more. To treat sleep apnea and snoring, we create a custom oral appliance that gently shifts the position of your jaw while asleep.

Questions? We Have Answers!

Jaw alignment issues can cause pain, crowded teeth, breathing issues, and more. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, our team will work with you to find a solution that fits your needs. Please contact our office to ask us any questions about your jaw and oral health or to schedule your next visit to our office. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Dental Solutions of Columbus

Dental Solutions of Columbus